
Fifth Edition
Corporate Financial Management
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Douglas R. Emery
John D. Finnerty
John D. Stowe
This book was the first—and remains the only—corporate
finance textbook written by an author team that includes a full-time
practitioner. This rare combination of expertise and experience
illustrates the Principle of Comparative Advantage, in that it
is uniquely able to truly bridge the gap between theory and practice.
It was also designed with the needs of both faculty and students
in mind, with a format that provides the instructional support
that will enhance student and faculty success. Important features
• Multiple Levels of Problems and Questions
The assignment material at the end of each chapter includes three
different levels of problems, A (Basic), B, and C (Advanced), and
two different levels of questions, Questions and Challenging
Questions. This unique and carefully designed feature provides
a more efficient and flexible way for instructors to assign the
most appropriate level of problems and questions, thereby reducing
their opportunity cost in preparing for class and improving the
of success for students.
• More Worked-Out Examples
The narrative of each chapter includes detailed worked-out examples
that parallel each of the A- and B-type problems,
as well as the conceptual and factual information needed to directly
answer all of the Questions. By including more of these worked-out
examples and by systematically aligning them with the end of chapter
assignments, this textbook provides a clearer, more structured
explanation of the material, leading to improved student understanding
and performance.
• Principles of Finance Framework
The authors were the first to establish a comprehensive set of
Principles of Finance as a framework for learning finance. This
framework helps students to develop—and apply—financial
intuition to solve both current real world problems, as well as
new ones that will emerge long after they complete their class.
• The Importance of Research
There are bibliographies at the end of each chapter that highlight,
and help students understand, the important role that research plays
in our understanding of finance.