A Note From Rich Wohl
The college textbook industry is a wonderful one, and I have been
very fortunate to have worked with many outstanding companies and
authors. However, in talking with successful authors about their
experiences, a consistent theme has emerged. As publishers have
merged and grown bigger over the years, they have been forced to
prioritize their organizational structure, investment decisions
and sales strategies around the large introductory level courses.
While there have been benefits for those authors and their textbooks,
publishers have had to divert editorial and sales resources (i.e.
people, dollars and time) away from the mid and upper level undergrdauate
courses, even when the authors and books that serve those markets
are successful and profitable.
Wohl Publishing was launched for that other group of authors,
those with works outside of the introductory markets. By specializing
in this way, we can provide greater attention and resources for
this group of authors, as well as for the faculty and students
using their texts. We are able to provide a creative and highly
collaborative publishing environment where every author is at the
center of the process rather than being a secondary or tertiary
priority competing for resources and attention with larger market
books; and they are involved in all key publishing decisions. Our
goal is both to enhance the authoring experience and to increase
market and sales success.
I am very excited about this mission and working with authors
and customers on it. If you are an author interested in exploring
an alternative to the large college publishers, and your textbook
is designed for a mid or upper level undergraduate course, I would
be pleased to talk with you in more detail about your project and
our innovative publishing model. I can be reached at rich@wohlpublishing.com or at 973.219.3777. I look forward to talking.
Best wishes,
Rich Wohl
CEO and Founder
Prior to launching Wohl Publishing, Rich worked for several
educational publishers, including Pearson Education and Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins. He has held a range of positions, including
sales representative, acquisitions editor, editorial director,
vice president and executive vice president. He holds both
an MFA (in creative writing) and an MBA. |